The largest, the oldest U.S. financial institutions were crumbling. Remember Bear Stearns? Our U.S. government to rescue banks and big companies. The American taxpayers should foot the bill. With what?! "Reducing the 9200 JPMorgan, Washington Mutual jobs" as a front-page news and the continued outsourcing of American jobs, the third world countries and the second, the average wage earners Americans shake their proverbial in boots.
What should we do? Stash your cashunder the bed? Oh yeah, I'll do a lot of good. Because the banks and the Treasury Department can create money from nothing and lend it like crazy, creating inflation, which ruins us today. Remember, the pre-World War II in Germany, inflation to the point where they were going to buy wheelbarrows full of marks and bread in the oven? Well, this is a good thing can happen here. Sun stashing cash under the mattress can not be like a wise financial planning. Although I recommendas close as possible to the cash-only. I use my credit card on occasion, and who pays the bills with checks, but for the most part, now all in cash, and I recommend them. It 'very disciplined about. Just say no to credit cards!
You must understand that it is designed exactly like the crash of 1907 and 1929, this current economic nightmare. "They" are strategically orchestrated behind the scenes. "They," "you" ... Who are "they"? The bank elite, theBloodlines of the ruling elite who run things behind the scenes for a very long time - as generations and generations. Do I look like a conspiracy theorist? The overwhelming evidence is out there! It 'just a matter of if you are ready to wake up and smell! I would recommend reading "The Case Against The Fed" by Murray N. Rothbard and the following sites: where to find these powerful video: The Money Masters, Esoteric Agenda, Zeitgeist:Episode 3 and the zeitgeist addendum, found on Google Video, as well as another very powerful resource of information, These are just some of the amount of information on the Internet and books that propagate blow your mind!
Whatever you do, do not accept, "chip." You know, the radio-frequency chip (RFID) that will replace the money? I guarantee a series of markets blacks, who are already and will continue to pop up and if you are "connected" iswill be able to survive. If you are not "connected", GET CONNECTED! FAST! Learn to speak another language - may I recommend Spanish and Russian! No kidding folks.
Get healthy NOW! Do not wait. You think pharmaceuticals are expensive now! DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT THE WESTERN DOCTORS TELL YOU. They are financed by the pharmaceuticals! Duh! Don't eat genetically modified foods! Want to know more? Go to
Investigate international market . Invest
Buying foreclosures.
Do not invest in the stock market if you know you really, really, what you do. Investing in NASA. Your name is on the list for transport space during the planet into trouble. You do not want to be left behind. Remember, more fiction from reality. Become famous and indispensable - because it is built underground cities and these must be important enough to be on this list usually fry up here, is on the surface.So either go to the forum background, or (Battlestar Galactica, anyone?). Tell everything that Santa Claus is that you want to dual citizenship. You think I'm kidding.
There is one other thing you can do. You can contact me to learn more about home business based on the fabulous world that is not MLM, where people who have only a few months to make six figures a month (not all do, but some are, and I'm on my way, or with me or leftbehind ...), and join the fantastic group of like-minded people around the world.
Or not. Good luck! (Although luck has nothing to do with it).
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